Calcium deficiency made worse by
- Acidic soils
- Sandy or light soils (leaching)
- Acid peat soils
- Soils rich in sodium
- Soils rich in aluminium
- Drought conditions
- Fruit high in nitrogen or potassium
- Large fruit
Calcium is important for
- Cell division
- Cell elongation
- Proper working of cell membranes
- Permeability of cell membranes
Yara recommended fertilizers for Calcium
Tomatoes (field grown): 300-400 kg/ha as top-dressing during early fruit development. For more detailed advice on rates and timings, contact your local Yara Agronomist.
Read more about YaraLiva NITRABORYaraTera CALCINIT
Tomatoes (field grown): 300-400 kg/ha as top-dressing during early fruit development. For more detailed advice on rates and timings, contact your local Yara Agronomist.
Read more about YaraTera CALCINITYaraVita CALTRAC BZ
Tomato (field grown): One to four applications of 5 l/ha from flowering on second truss onwards up to one month before harvest. Allow 7 days between applications. Water rate: 50 to 500 l/ha.
Read more about YaraVita CALTRAC BZYaraVita STOPIT
Tomato (field grown): Spray very young fruits directly, using up to 0.4 litres of 'Stopit' per 100 litres of water. Maximum water rate: 1,000 l/ha.
Read more about YaraVita STOPIT